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Design Portfolio [WIP]

Hi, I'm Tomás 👋🏽

I've been a fullstack designer for 12 years, working mostly in tech as UX Designer and Researcher, and now looking for opportunities in other industries such as government, activism, social movements, maps, agriculture, climate justice, privacy and law.

🎓 I'm about to finish a Master studies at Unisinos in Communication Sciences about the compelling case of 's firing from Google AI Research team, and her following work with DAIR (Distributed AI Research). The study aims to observe this potential force to reshape the landscape of AI, advocating for a more equitable and inclusive technological future.

Design works

Books I've read this last year

: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters, Ryan Singer, 2019 ​, Erika Hall, 2013 ​, Verdade e política na era digital, Letícia Cesarino, 2022 ​, A History of the Home and the Fight for Time, Helen Hester and Nick Srnicek, 2023 ​, Yuk Hui, 2023 ​, Antonio Bispo dos Santos, 2023

Hobbies & Free time

I'm a dad of a 6-year old girl. I like doing permaculture, playing African Percussion, bass guitar, bodysurfing, woodworking and painting.


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