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Tomás' UX Portfolio
UX Portfolio

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Usability-Driven Redesign for ConectCar

User Research, Rapid Prototyping, AB testing, Android, iOS, Web Responsive | Senior UX/UI Designer for ConectCar | 2017

1. Context

App Type: 📱 ConectCar (Itaú) Android and iOS App, the second largest of its type in Brazil
Target Audience: Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Role: I served as the Senior UX/UI Designer for agency, collaborating closely with the client, Product Manager (PM), Lead Developer and UX Researcher.
User Base: The app had 500k+ download on App Store and Play Store together.
Company Objective: The primary company goal was to improve its experience on the Brazilian market.

2. UX Problem

The problem was the state of our aging app, which had experienced significant growth over time. It was burdened with a multitude of heuristic issues that had taken a toll on user satisfaction and overall functionality. These issues had accumulated over time, affecting the app's performance and user experience.

3. Tackling the problem

To address this problem, we took on the challenge of redesigning the app from the ground up. Our primary mission was to rectify these long-standing issues, with the ultimate aim of delivering a seamless, efficient, and user-friendly experience. Our efforts were dedicated to bringing the app up to contemporary standards and tackling the specific usability concerns we had identified. Our overarching objective was to enhance user engagement, satisfaction, and retention by resolving these longstanding issues.

4. UX Process

Starting with Service Blueprint and Personas definition

Crafting a comprehensive blueprint with collaborative mapping and personas allows us to paint the entire user journey, making every actor and essential business interaction seamlessly flow together.
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After every test, a simpler design prototype

After each test, we iterate toward a simpler design prototype, harnessing the power of rapid prototyping, which continually evolves with every user interaction.
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The first strategy for handling complex and large designs is to "Divide and conquer," which involves breaking the project into manageable sections and thoroughly testing every part of the app.
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The outcome is good when design components work well individually, but they don't harmonize effectively as a whole. A lack of a complete design view results in a subpar user experience, highlighting the direct impact of design choices on the final user experience.

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The lesson learned is to always prioritize Information Architecture. Through the exercise of creating Test Cards for new prototypes and A/B testing, we set essential metrics. The results allowed us to refine the design into a validated version.
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User Interface

Ensuring a seamless experience across mobile, Android, iOS, and responsive design is at the heart of our project's user-centric approach

5. Product Outcomes

Enhanced Onboarding: The UX redesign led to a significant improvement in the onboarding process, resulting in a higher user adoption rate. Users found the product easier to understand, navigate, and engage with right from the start.
Improved Retention: With the new design, user retention rates experienced a notable boost. Users were more inclined to continue using the product over time, reflecting increased satisfaction and value from their interactions.
Streamlined Stakeholder Engagement: The redesigned UX made life easier for all stakeholders involved. Product managers, developers, and designers found better alignment in their work, resulting in faster development cycles, fewer revisions, and enhanced collaboration.


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